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Affluent Older Investors Postal & Email

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Updated: 3/2024 | Confirmed: 3/2024  

Affluent Older Investors, above the Age of 50 and Net Worth of approximately $500,000.00 and over.  Investors above Age 60 may also be selected.  Investors are at Home Address and have Invested or Inquired to Invest in a Conservative and/or Speculative Type Investment of $10,000.00 + within the last 12 months.

5,682,421 Total Investors Over 50   $85.00/M
4,836,386 With Phone Numbers $105.00/M
2,716,215 Total Investors Over 60   $95.00/M
2,004,619 With Phone Numbers $110.00/M
1,406,307 Total Investors Over 65 $105.00/M
   986,467 With Phone Numbers $125.00/M
1,373,441 Opt-In Email Addresses $145.00/M

Call or Email to Order!


Sources: Direct Response | Direct Mail | Opt-In Email

Unit of Sale


Investment Questionnaires
Seminar Attendees
Insurance Questionnaires
Business Holdings
Direct Mail
Proprietary Sources

Stockholder Lists
Shareholder Lists
Real Estate Equity
Auto Information
Opt-In Email

$10,000.00 Average



4-Up Cheshire
P.S. Labels
3.5 Diskette
Email / FTP
Email - Deployment
Email - Personalization


Age N/C
Income Select N/C
Phone Number $20.00/M
Zip/Scf/County/State $7.00/M
P.S. Labels $10.00/M
3x5 Index Cards $35.00/M
3.5 Diskette $50.00/F*
CD ROM $50.00/F*
Email/FTP $50.00/F*

Minimum Order 5,000 Records

Guaranteed 95% Deliverable
Updated Quarterly
Last Update:  3/2024
Next Update:  6/2024 
Delivery: Within 24 Hours
Data Transfer: $25.00 Flat Rate

Postal Address: Updated Quarterly - NCOA - CASS Certification
Email Address: Updated Daily - CAN - SPAM Compliant
Telephone Number: Updated Bi-Monthly - DNC Suppressed
 List Broker Discount 25% - More Information


Net Worth $10.00/M
Gender $5.00/M
Key Coding $5.00/M
Carrier Rt. Sort. $10.00/M
Bar Coding $10.00/M
Email - Deployment $25.00/M
Email - Personalization $25.00/M


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