This premium marketing data is a comprehensive compilation of wealthy individuals who actively invest in or have made a qualified inquiry to invest in speculative investment opportunities and business ventures. The active investors in this premium mailing list with optional opt-in email addresses generally make their own financial decisions and are attracted to high risk financial opportunities with a high yield. All marketing data points, self-reported and public, are audited and double verified each month through 2 or more organic sources ensuring superior accuracy and a receptive and responsive audience. On average, a minimum of $10,000 of their substantial portfolio has been or will be invested into one of the following: commodities, options, futures, NASDAQ, off-shore banking, limited and general partnerships, hard currency, gold & silver, diamonds and gemstones, stamps & coins, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, high technology, or computer technologies. Home and business addresses are both available for this premium mailing list along with the option of opt-in email addresses.