Established mail order and online prospects make for an invaluable target audience for many marketers. WS Ponton has over a century of experience in reaching this elusive audience effectively. We have the proven data you need to boost your campaign to mail order and online buyer markets into high gear.
Our professionals have intimate knowledge with marketing to mail order, catalog and online shoppers. Our passion for beating industry standards allows us to identify your ideal target audience, and help you reach them effectively. Our deep insight into this sector’s purchasing behavior comes from extensive relationships with our exclusive data sources. We conduct exhaustive authentication and verification procedures to extract records that are both accurate and responsive. As the exclusive compiler of our mail order, catalog and online market data, WS Ponton meticulously validates each record down to the most nuanced select. We offer you authenticated postal data and exclusive email addresses that consistently exceed industry averages for responsiveness and open rates. Genuine WS Ponton premium data is the data tool you need to understand and reach these elusive mail order and online markets.
Great marketers know that the data they use is only as good as the data provider behind it. At WS Ponton, we are passionate about marketing, and we have the experience, insight and expertise to take your campaign to mail order and online buyers to the next level! Choose more than a data source. Choose a data partner. Choose genuine WS Ponton data.
For expert recommendations, insightful consultation and further details, please get in touch with us at:
800-628-7806 USA
800-541-8540 Canada