Data + Marketing Solutions | 100 Years



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WS Ponton

Questions & Answers

WS Ponton

How does WS Ponton acquire data?

WS Ponton collects 100% of our data exclusively. Our authentication and verification capabilities are, quite simply, second to none.

WS Ponton compiles data through decades-long relationships with exclusive sources. We validate, and then re-validate every piece of our data, from fundamental real estate transactions and public courthouse records to self-reported, intricately detailed investment, purchasing and lifestyle preferences. We lead the industry as the exceptional provider of elite and premium data for the affluent markets.

Diverse data points are meticulously compiled by the firm and repeatedly cross-referenced. This produces records of elite quality and unsurpassed responsiveness. The rigorous methodology of collection and verification reflects the integrity and passion at the heart of WS Ponton. Our authentication processes meet and exceed the highest standards of the industry.


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Why is WS Ponton data better?

The only way to provide the truest, most reliable data is to oversee and control the process from start to finish. As the original compiler of our data, WS Ponton possesses direct insight into every facet of every record. This knowledge is an intimate, a 360-degree view of every record with thorough background behind even the smallest, subtlest data point. The integrity of authentication and verification processes at WS Ponton is second to none. Conducting every quality control procedure regularly and rigorously is our company policy.

Only the strictest quality control standards can filter out every insufficient record, such as double-authenticating each record against two sources. WS Ponton best practices require an additional double-check system for more intricate lifestyle data points. Unlike many data providers who fail to verify and update email records consistently, our opt-in email addresses go through continual verification procedures.

By combining original sources, exclusive alliances and expert staff, and employing some of the most rigid hygiene practices in the industry, WS Ponton compiles data designed to beat client expectations. Every customer receives authenticated, verified, premium data, the most responsive records available to ensure the highest level of success.

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Why do clients choose WS Ponton?

We know audiences.

WS Ponton is the market authority, a time-tested leader in the industry. Our insight and experience takes the guesswork out of your campaign. By using our robust insights to pinpoint and target your best and most responsive audience, we help you to achieve maximum campaign response.

No two promotions are alike, and no two data segments are alike. Handpicked teams of WS Ponton market experts evaluate every nuance of each offer to maximize response. We consider all your campaign’s unique requirements comprehensively – from creative and price point, to geography and economic climate. Team specialists address every aspect of postal, email and telemarketing campaigns, from the finest demographics and geography, to the subject line, to the most effective days and times to launch.

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How accurate is this market data?

WS Ponton accuracy beats every industry average.

The industry average for data accuracy is 90 percent. WS Ponton is proud to achieve results that outperform the industry dramatically. The firm guarantees that every segment of market data is no less than 94 percent accurate. Many WS Ponton clients regularly report accuracy in excess of 96 percent – now that makes for an industry leader!

Every quarter we conduct a comprehensive NCOA update on every postal record. We also perform an internal, all-inclusive audit against their original sources every 30 days. These processes, among the most rigid in the business, are designed to detect every last addition, deletion and edit. Postal accuracy and record validation are ensured for maximum authenticity and responsiveness.

The entire catalog of WS Ponton opt-in email addresses are thoroughly vetted on a daily basis. These data sets undergo rigorous hygiene every 24 hours to guarantee maximum accuracy and deliverability.

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What response rate should clients expect?


Accepted industry response rates for postal campaigns range from 1 - 1.5 percent. The open and click-through rates for email campaigns are 3.5 and 5 percent, respectively. WS Ponton expects more, and they want their customers to expect more, too.

WS Ponton achieves more by pulling every stop when it comes to executing campaigns. The firm employs every available resource, the full range of staff expertise and the latest technical capabilities to score the highest possible response for every campaign. No matter the size of a project, WS Ponton beats the industry average. We never settle for average, and neither should you.

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How can data be segmented?


A wide range of demographics lies at the heart of every WS Ponton data set. Criteria vary depending on the exact nature of each list. Specific record statistics span from precise age income and net worth to validated purchasing habits. Data can also be sliced and diced geographically, from the state level down to carrier route.

Our professionals are passionate about marketing and seek to empower every client with our insight and experience – we know our data, and we know how to put it to work for you. WS Ponton clients always reach the best, qualified audience while avoiding prospects that fail to exceed any essential attributes. We know how to find and reach your most ideal, receptive target audience. The smart WS Ponton approach to segmenting results in higher ROI.

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What is the turnaround time for orders and counts?

Whatever the customer needs.

Orders for WS Ponton postal data are typically delivered within 24 hours. Every postal request adheres to an internal quality control process requiring a data review by a minimum of four professionals prior to delivery.

Email deployments are launched within five days after WS Ponton receives the creative. As with any reputable data provider, we deploy email campaigns to our exclusive email addresses on your behalf to ensure maximum security and deliverability. We run every email promotion through checking, reviewing, proofing and debugging processes prior to deployment. A team of no less than eight email specialists are assigned to every email promotion, tasked with making them succeed. WS Ponton is no stranger to rush campaigns – we are prepared to accept the most extraordinary deadlines without missing one quality control beat.

Inquiries into our data and services are answered within one hour. When counts are required faster, perhaps for that last minute meeting or proposal, WS Poston responds at once to get record availability within minutes.

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How do orders get placed?

At the convenience of the client.

WS Ponton welcomes order submissions in whatever form suits the client and their operation: email, phone, fax, U.S. Mail or online order form. Customers can even print out the order form for faxing or mailing, or paste it into an email. Whatever questions come up along the way, we are ready to respond with timely answers.

Order submission is only the beginning of the process for WS Ponton – we are never satisfied until the customer is satisfied. Staff experts evaluate and double-check every order to verify that every request is delivered exactly as needed, exactly in the way it is needed. That includes making recommendations to target the most precise prospects possible. When it comes to client orders, WS Ponton never overlooks the smallest detail.

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Why does some market data omit phone numbers?

There are two reasons why some WS Ponton market data excludes phone numbers. The first reason, and the most basic as well, is that some phone numbers are simply not available. Many individuals have unlisted phone numbers. These non-phone receptive leads are automatically scrubbed to ensure a more responsive data set.

In the second case, there are some exclusive sources that stipulate that phone numbers never be released. Most of these affiliates deal with personal and / or private data of a highly sensitive nature, a condition that WS Ponton appreciates and respects. Legal implications aside, honoring these restrictions is foremost a matter of professional ethics.

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Is WS Ponton really more than 100 years old?

It certainly is.

Wilber Simpson Ponton founded the company in 1885, on the heels of what historians commonly term the "Second Industrial Revolution." While the addressing machines initially sold by the firm made no reliance on steam engines, the units reflected the technological advancements of the age – the phrase "cutting-edge" certainly applied then, and still does to this day!

Things have certainly changed in the last 100-plus years. WS Ponton has evolved as the marketing industry evolved, always adapting to new technology and leading the industry in the accuracy and quality of our data. But the core of the company has never changed – the passion and integrity of Wilbur Simpson Ponton has never been lost. Sticking to that foundation has served WS Ponton and our every client for more than 100 years.

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